Shijia Tang

Shijia Tang

Company: Genentech

Job title: Principal Scientist


Panel Discussion: Rationalizing the CQAs of Polymer Delivery Vehicles to Promote Batch to Batch Consistency, Reducing Regulatory Scrutiny 12:15 pm

Distinguishing the current critical quality attributes industry and academia are utilising to assess the potency of the drug product Determining how important the size of the polymeric molecule could prove to be in the delivery of the API Comparing drug products to understand CQAs which remain a constant for regulators and areas which creates variabilityRead more

day: Conference Day Two

Reflecting the Functional Impact of Poly Dispersity Index for Drug Delivery Across a Sample 1:00 pm

Spotlighting the variance which can be witnessed in PDI across polyermic drug delivery vehicles and how this impacts functionality Reducing accumulation risk with consistent physicochemical properties which are proven as safe, outlining techniques to create homogenous monodisperse samples Advancing technology available to quanitfy PDI to gain definitive data surrounding the origin of heterogeneity across a…Read more

day: Conference Day Two

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