Sinead Sunner

Sinead Sunner

Company: Blueberry Therapeutics

Job title: Senior Analytical Scientist


Panel Discussion: Exploring the Toxicity and Immunogenicity of Polymers in Comparison to Other Delivery Vehicles Available to Industry 2:45 pm

Debating the potential negative side effects associated with polymeric toxicity despite the tailored delivery benefits developed, proving challenging to push through to clinical trails Researching the potential for overcoming polymer-related immune responses that exhibit less potent immunogenicity Assessing whether complete immunosuppression is a realistic challenge to overcome in polymer delivery vehicles and therefore posing the…Read more

day: Conference Day One

Overcoming Challenges Associated with Polymer Quantification to Ensure Safe and Efficient API Delivery 1:30 pm

Nanoparticle formulations create unique challenges in analytical methods as the presence of the nanoparticles themselves can impact on the methods used Outlining that phase selection is key to chromatographing polymers with weak chromophores Discussing the process of developing and optimising assays for complex polymer formulationsRead more

day: Conference Day Two

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